As our planet becomes more Fifth Dimensional in nature our reality will begin to carry only the light, positive, harmonious and uplifting realities that are present in the Fifth Dimension. There will be no toxicity, perfect clarity in the water and the etheric levels will become crisp and clear,
These changes are evident already and over the next six months we will be able to see that the water and air are becoming increasingly clearer and lighter. The Fifth Dimensional nature of our planet will also begin supporting and responding to people who are Fifth Dimensional or who carry Fifth Dimensional awareness. These people with Fifth Dimensional awareness will be prioritising their Higher Self information and acting on it objectively to create flow and Joy in their lives. They will be easily recognisable as people who are awake, alive, and positive. Self-direction, self-assurance, living easily, harmoniously, and with all their requirements taken care of, on every level, always. This will be evident by how they are rather than living in hope of how they would like to be. Comments are closed.
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June 2023
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