Perhaps we should consider the nature of a Black Hole and what its relationship to Three Dimensional reality is, it may be considered the pull back to God.
On the one hand, if we are Three Dimensional, we write on this pull back to God with spheres, ellipses and atoms. These in turn create solar systems, galaxies and universes. The energy available within the Black Hole becomes conformed to these basic shapes by the Planetary Consciousness which is the sum total of our belief systems and our own personal holograms. On the other hand to write on the energy of the pull back to God Fifth Dimensionally, we will be creating the flat loops that the Fifth Dimension is created from. These flat loops are the equivalent of a magnetic field that is created by a rotating object, in this case our galaxy, in Three Dimensional Reality. In effect what we have assumed to be a series of Black Holes are actually all one complete interrelated energetic field which we are just writing on energetically and it only appears as though there are many individualised Black Holes. Another illusion. What is it that allows an atom to stay in Three Dimensional reality when someone stops thinking?
They will be held in place by the Planetary Consciousness first, which is in turn, supported by the Etheric Blueprint and the holograms associated with our Etheric Blueprints. As our Etheric Blueprints become transformed into the light of our Higher Selves, the Planetary Consciousness will also become lighter and brighter and there will be less and less solidity created within our planet. What will be in the place of the atoms in Fifth Dimensional reality? There will still be energy, but only the energy that is created by Fifth Dimensional Clear light. As there is only positive energy in the Fifth Dimension, the basic structure of atoms and in turn the structure of matter as we know it will change significantly. What will this look like? There will be subtle intensifications of energy, colour and vibration which will be very fluid and flowing along with our Higher Self energies which will be similar in appearance to the auric fields of Three Dimensional reality. What sort of light are we talking about here?
There is the sunlight and there is the Clear light of Fifth Dimensional reality. If you rely on the sunlight you will vibrate at a Three Dimensional level, while if you relate to the Fifth Dimensional Clear light you will vibrate at a faster rate. It will become possible to see who is Three Dimensional and sunlight-orientated as opposed to those who relate to and carry Fifth Dimensional Clear light. All light is just a vibration and each form enlivens us in a different manner in a similar way that putting something in an oven and it becomes enlivened by the vibrational effect of heat. Where is the start point of light on the planet? If you are sunlight orientated then every proton will be sunlight orientated. Whilst with a Fifth Dimensionally orientated person, the light will be Fifth Dimensionally orientated. To move away from the potential light and dark, into a reality where there is only light and differing intensities of light is to move away from the potential for dark unseen also.
The energy required to maintain the dark unseen is becoming less and less available with each day, and we will reach the point where it will no longer be present within our etheric reality. A considerable amount of interpersonal stress will dissipate without the disharmonious side effects created by this dark unseen and people will be free to live in the harmony and joy of Divine Awareness without obstruction and interruption. People who live in the light will delight in the ease and harmony on our planet that will spontaneously manifest as this level of unseen leaves the etheric reality of our planet permanently. |
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